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Unlock Your Business's Potential With Facebook and Instagram Ads!

Are you ready to unlock the potential of your business and take it to the next level? Let me show you how powerful Facebook and Instagram ads can be in accelerating your growth. I have industry-leading experience, expertise, and strategies that will ensure successful campaigns!

Facebook and Instagram ads are powerful tools to drive business growth. With their unique targeting capabilities, you can reach the right audiences with personalized ads that capture their attention. With well-crafted ad campaigns, you can increase brand awareness, generate leads and convert more sales!


I understand how challenging it can be to juggle all the aspects of your business so let me take care of your social media marketing for you! 

What you can Expect

  • I only accept a small number of clients to be able to provide exceptional, personalized service.

  • Our onboarding process is in depth to thoroughly understand you and you business goals.

  • Guidance through the budgeting process.

  • Continuous optimization for your maximum ROI.

  • Weekly reporting to inform you on your business growth strategy.

  • Marketing consulting, feedback, and support informed by the best strategies so you can take your business to the next level.



I build, run, optimize, and scale your ads so you can focus on your business. I do extensive research when it comes to your audience and test with custom ad targeting and optimization that will generate leads that convert to sales.

Digital Assets + Funnels

Running ads for your business is not beneficial without the tools to convert. I create funnels, automation, email and SMS sequences, and lead magnets specific to your business so your ad spend is working for you.


Conversions do not happen without the right copy. You need a strong offer that speaks directly to your ideal client. I will help to connect you with your audience by creating actionable brand awareness that converts.

Strategy & Consulting

My approach depends on one on one guidance and preliminary ad strategies to maximize your ROI. I will help clarify your results so you can develop a scalable digital marketing strategy that will grow your business.

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. Facebook is a trademark of Facebook, Inc. DISCLAIMER: All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT book a strategy call.

Copyright © 2022- Janey Media Marketing LLC